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Share some Veritas Certified Specialist (VCS) VCS-274 exam questions and answers below. Which parameter in NetBackup Management > Host Properties must be modified to change the logging level to 5 for client1.domain? A. Master Servers> [master_server_name] >Logging> Global logging level B. Clients> [client_name] >Logging> Global logging level C. Master Servers> [master_server_name] >Logging> Enable robust logging D. Clients> [client_name] >Logging> Enable robust logging Answer: B
A NetBackup administrator configures a policy to perform file system backups of multiple client systems using the Allow multiple data streams feature. All other policy attributes are at default settings. Which Master Server parameter must be configured to enable the backup jobs from a client to run concurrently? A. Target storage unit: Maximum concurrent jobs B. Global Attributes: Maximum jobs per client C. Client Attributes: Maximum data streams D. Target storage unit: Enable multiplexing Answer: B
In such a time is so precious society, time is money. Passtcert provide Veritas Certified Specialist (VCS) VCS-274 exam answers, which only needs 20 hours to complete and can help you well consolidate the related IT professional knowledge to let you have a good preparation for your first time to participate in Veritas Certified Specialist (VCS) certification VCS-274 exam.Passtcert expert team use their experience and knowledge to study the examinations of past years and finally have developed the best Veritas Certified Specialist (VCS) VCS-274 exam answers.
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