Passtcert Implementing Cisco Network Security 210-260 study guides pdf is proven. We can provide the questions based on extensive research and experience. Passtcert has more than 10 years experience in IT certification 210-260 exam training, including questions and answers. On the Internet, you can find a variety of training tools. Passtcert Implementing Cisco Network Security 210-260 study guides pdf is the best training materials. We offer the most comprehensive verification questions and answers, you can also get a year of free updates.
Share some CCNA Security 210-260 exam questions and answers below.
Which two services define cloud networks? (Choose two.)
A. Infrastructure as a Service
B. Platform as a Service
C. Security as a Service
D. Compute as a Service
E. Tenancy as a Service
Answer: A, B
Which two statements about stateless firewalls are true? (Choose two.)
A. They compare the 5-tuple of each incoming packet against configurable rules.
B. They cannot track connections.
C. They are designed to work most efficiently with stateless protocols such as HTTP or HTTPS.
D. Cisco IOS cannot implement them because the platform is stateful by nature.
E. The Cisco ASA is implicitly stateless because it blocks all traffic by default.
Answer: A, B
What are two default Cisco IOS privilege levels? (Choose two.)
A. 0
B. 1
C. 5
D. 7
E. 10
F. 15
Answer: B, F
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