Share some VCA6-DCV 1V0-621 exam questions and answers below.
An operator installs an OS to a new virtual machine (VM) using a DVD inserted into the ESXi host. Later, the operator notices that a vMotion migration on the new VM fails. What action needs to be taken in order for the vMotion migration to succeed?
A. Remove the DVD from the ESXi host.
B. Add a virtual CD/DVD drive to the VM.
C. Add a CD/DVD drive to the target ESXi Host.
D. Disconnect the CD/DVD drive from the VM.
Answer: C
Which vSphere 6.x feature enables you to mitigate the effects of storage latency during peak load periods in a virtualized data center?
C. Network I/O Control
D. Virtual SAN
Answer: D
Which three prerequisites are needed to use the VMware Remote Console? (Choose three.)
A. Network IP Configured.
B. Guest Operating System installed.
C. VMware Tools installed.
D. VMware Tools installation ISO attached.
E. Virtual machine is powered on.
Answer: ACE
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